[Warning] Aborted connection to db: user: host: mariadb error log

MariaDB error log reporting multiple error like this and flooding the logs.

Due to refused connections max_connect_errors and max_error_count is breaching its limit and impacting new connections 

[Warning] Aborted connection xxxx to db: xxxx user: xxxx host: xxxx (xxxx)

Although I am still struggling to fix those , have taken below steps to reduce the impact 

1. Stop logging errors in log , although its not good idea but if its repetitive in nature better to let it go

AdSense revenue drop after enabling HTTPS on blogger custom domain website causing pageview zero


This is an extension to my earlier blog of enabling https on custom blogger website 

https enabling for blogger website with custom domain

After enabling HTTPS I have updated ads.txt in AdSense as it was giving warning since long , which took 2 days to get authorized.

Above changes have caused zero page views although impression count was non-zero.

Top 10 tips for Priority Issue Handling in IT Operation Support

At the time of writing this blog i was 17 years of experience in IT operation support , centered & conquered many fire fighting situations.

Over the years while troubleshooting those priority issues i came across very interesting human mindsets, flaws in infrastructure & processes and it built my confidence at certain extent that I started enjoying it 😊

Every priority issue brings in so much to your instincts that one who comprehend will dives and survives.

Although following tips are baselined around databases technology but they are not limited to it and can be referred by anyone.

Priority Issue means something in business critical serving application is not working as expected causing unavailability and revenue loss.

Assuming you are a technical support engineer or manager who's primary responsibility to resolve the situation for your customer , then let's go..

1. Get All Questions Answered

Lucky if you are the first one to sense that issue has happened but fine even if it's not.

As soon as you enter the battle ground which could be in the form of conference meeting or group chat or set of impatient minds around your workstation , keep in mind that first few minutes of your questions to audience will be answered with huge respect and with good response time.